Monday, November 17, 2008

this weekend i had one of those moments where i felt like i needed to just break and run. so i did. all the way to short mountain.
it was so beautiful up there. so peaceful and quiet. (except for the occasional twig snapping from a little critter hoppin' around somewhere.) the air was so cold and crisp that it made your eyes water but it was SO worth it. i've never seen so many colors. the view was absolutely breathtaking. i needed to just getaway. here's a few pix from no-man's land.

there was even this sweet sweet sweet little abandoned cabin up at the top. MAN if i just knew who owned it -i'd have pictures of the inside to show you - well - that and if i'd had on better shoes. it was right up against the road but you had to walk down a little piece and i couldn't very well go traipsing off down that muddy bank in my crocs - then i'd had to post the picture from inside the ambulance with me and the EMT's throwin' up our deuces and makin' "the myspace face". lol. (of course - that would be AFTER the morphine drip was started for the broken leg and dislocated shoulder).
and yes mom - my cell phone got a signal up there so i COULD have called for help if i needed to.


HaileyDishman said...

Such pretty pictures! Love the road with the changing leaves.. I'm thinking next year- me with my wedding dress on stuck right in the middle of that road. How pretty would those pictures be??!!

Elisha said...

Love the pics girl!!! So pretty!!!